Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas!

HTT and the Wolfchase Dogs wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas.

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Monday, December 24, 2018

Holiday Dinner for People and Pets

A turkey or ham with all the trimmings will grace many dinner tables this Christmas. It is natural to share the feast with your family pet. After all, he is family. Make sure you offer a tasty delight and not a tummy ache. Your pet can enjoy some holiday favorites. Others can upset his stomach or worse. Put together a scrumptious healthy feast for your pet. Avoid foods on the do-not-share list.

Read more at https://www.holistictouchtherapy.com/articles/holiday-dinners-for-people-and-pets.html

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Sunday, December 23, 2018

Holiday Safety Tips for Pets

Including furry four-legged friends in holiday festivities is automatic for those who consider pets family members. Keep them healthy and happy by maintaining their normal eating and exercise schedules. Be careful to safeguard them against potential dangers of common holiday decorations and treats.

Read more at: https://www.holistictouchtherapy.com/articles/holiday-safety-tips-for-pets.html

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Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Toys for kids

Last week Sue and friends from Trinity Episcopal Church took toys to dogs and cats at a local animal shelter. This week they distributed tons of donated toys to cheer the holiday for children who might not get many gifts from Santa. It feels so good to spread joy during the holidays.

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Monday, December 10, 2018

Christmas came early for these special friends

Dr. Sue, Susan Hyak, & Brodie Hyak delivered donations of toys and supplies collected by Trinity Episcopal Church to furry friends at Dorothy O'Connor Pet Adoption Center. Pups and cats waiting for forever homes will make good use of the new beds & toys.

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Friday, November 23, 2018

Eating turkey with a spoon

Forks are something most of us take for granted, but imagine eating your turkey with a spoon instead of a fork this year.

No forks were available for pilgrims at the first Thanksgiving meal since they did not bring forks with them in 1620. That means the first Thanksgiving turkey and many meals to follow were eaten with a spoon!

The fork was introduced ten years later by Governor Winthrop of Massachusetts, but it was not brought into popular use until the 18th century. A really hungry person with a knife and a spoon could probably eat almost any meal presented.

Sure glad I had a fork when I ate my Thanksgiving meal!

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Thursday, November 22, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving...

...from Holistic Touch Therapy and the Wolfchase IWs: Quigley, Brandy, Jolly Boy, and Special Blend Little Bit. Count your blessings and have a wonderful day.

Dr. Sue.

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Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Do you fry your gravy?

Another whacky law. In Redwood, California it is against the law to fry gravy.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Have a pet-safe Thanksgiving dinner

Thanksgiving is a time for family, friends, fun and usually too much food. Your dog can have a scrumptious Thanksgiving dinner if you choose dishes that are good for him. Protein-rich turkey is great as are sweet potatoes, green beans. Never give your pup onions, garlic, leeks, or scallions as these lead to toxic anemia and avoid grapes and raisins because they can cause kidney failure in dogs. Make Thanksgiving a happy day for your family, friends, and your dog.

Read more about pet-safe Thanksgiving treats for your pet at http://www.holistictouchtherapy.com/articles/have-a-pet-safe-thanksgiving-dinner.html#article

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Monday, November 19, 2018

Pumpkin for pets

In the fall, stores fill bins with pumpkins in anticipation of Halloween, pumpkin pies for Thanksgiving and the holidays. Pumpkin goodies are yummy and high in vitamin A and fiber, low in fat, and have a number of other surprising health benefits. Plain, unseasoned, cooked fresh pumpkin, or 100% canned pumpkin has the same significant health benefits for pets and doesn't require fancy recipes. Put canned pumpkin on your shopping list and take advantage of the many health benefits it has for your pet.

Read more about how Pumpkin can benefit pets at  http://www.holistictouchtherapy.com/articles/pumpkins-can-benefit-pets.html

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Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Flash was a fantastic teacher's aide

Flash was a very helpful teacher in Dr. Sue's HTT Pet First Aid & CPR class. Muzzling a live dog can be more challenging than muzzling a stuffy, but Flash was very cooperative.

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Tuesday, November 13, 2018

More from Dr. Sue's HTT Pet First Aid & CPR class

Little Bit and Flash were important teachers in Dr. Sue's HTT Pet First Aid & CPR class. They let students practice taking vital signs. They also allowed students to practice the art muzzling a pet.

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Monday, November 12, 2018

Reporting: Dr. Sue's HTT Pet First Aid & CPR class

Students in Dr. Sue's HTT Pet First Aid & CPR class practiced many techniques on very congenial stuffed pups.
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Thursday, November 8, 2018

The Blessing of the Animals

Dr. Sue took Little Bit to the Blessing of the Animals to represent the Wolfchase pack. Little Bit was very good and enjoyed meeting the other dogs and people.

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Wednesday, November 7, 2018

This Weekend - Canine First Aid & CPR Class

HTT Pet First Aid and CPR Class
C. Sue Furman, Ph.D.

It's almost time. Don't miss this valuable class!

You will learn:
  • First aid for fractured limbs, bleeding, hyper and hypothermia, choking, seizure and more
  • Rescue breathing & CPR

When: November 10, 2018 from 9:00am-4:30pm

Where: Crossroads Veterinary Clinic - Victoria, Texas

Click here to visit Dr. Sue's website for more information and to sign up!

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Friday, November 2, 2018

How good is a dog's sense of taste?

Like people, dogs have taste buds that discriminate between sour, bitter, sweet, and salty foods. Taste buds tell a dog or cat if a food is safe to eat. Humans have around 10,000 taste buds while dogs have about 1,700 taste buds and cats have just under 500.

A dog's sense of taste is not very developed. That is why you can feed the same dog food every day, and why they sometimes eat ghastly things like bugs and trash. What is the grossest thing your dog ever ate?

Learn more in my article "How good is a dog's sense of taste?" at http://www.holistictouchtherapy.com/articles/how-good-is-a-dogs-sense-of-taste.html

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Thursday, November 1, 2018

Why dogs wag their tails

A dog's tail originally served to balance him while walking, leaping, and making sharp turns when running. Through time, a wagging tail became a tool of communication. Scientists believe the brain is in charge of the tail. A dog wagging his tail to the right of his rear feels generally positive about something. If he has negative feelings, his tail tends to wag to the left side of his body. Apparently a dog can read the tail talk another dog is speaking.

Dogs still use their tails for balance, but the lopsided swishes of their tails convey many messages to other dogs and to you if you are listening. Learn more about tail language in my article "Why dogs wag their tails" at http://www.holistictouchtherapy.com/articles/why-dogs-wag-their-tails.html

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Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Happy Halloween 2018

HTT wishes you a safe and happy Halloween. To help you with this, please don't miss yesterday's post!

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Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Halloween safety tips for pets

Halloween ghosts and goblins may put you in a festive mood as children ring the doorbell to trick-or-treat. Unfortunately, those little people in strange outfits may be scary and stressful to your pets.

Be sure to think of your pets as well as the kids when planning for Halloween. Consider a costume carefully if you plan to dress your pet. Remember, Halloween treats are for beggars not for pets. Some candies can be very harmful to your pet. There are pets that prefer to be away from the trick-or-treat excitement.

Learn more Halloween Safety Tips (http://www.holistictouchtherapy.com/articles/halloween-safety-tips-for-pets.html) to ensure both children and pets have fun and regard Halloween as a treat.

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Monday, October 29, 2018

Whacky camel laws – not so whacky

Several states have provisions concerning camels. It is illegal to hunt them in Arizona. In Idaho you can be arrested if you fish while sitting on a camel, and driving your camel on the highway is prohibited in Nevada.

Camels were actually present in the southwest for some time. In 1855, under the direction of then-Secretary of War Jefferson Davis, Congress appropriated $30,000 for "the purchase and importation of camels and dromedaries to be employed for military purposes." He thought the animals could haul supplies between remote military outposts so 75 camels were imported. Several stationed in Camp Verde, in central Texas, were used for supply trips to San Antonio. In 1857, Edward Beale led a five month 1,200 mile expedition of more than two dozen camels to California.

After Texas seceded from the Union, Confederate forces seized Camp Verde and turned the camels loose. These and other camels released from other facilities roamed the southwest and parts north for many years. Sightings of camels were reported until the early 20th century.

The camel laws on the books of some states probably made a lot of sense to politicians at the time.

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Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Dogs read to avoid the pound

Dogcatchers in Denver are required to notify stray dogs to be on the lookout. A written notice must be posted on a tree in the city park for three days before a homeless pup can be nabbed and taken to the pound. Dogs no doubt read the signs and find another place to hang out. Another whacky law. Who wrote this one???

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Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Why dogs jump to greet you

We humans greet each other by making eye contact and shaking hands. Dogs greet each other by making eye contact and greeting nose to nose. It is natural for a dog to jump to greet a human by jumping to see his eyes and touch his nose. To him it is a friendly gesture. It is up to you to teach your dog an alternative greeting behavior that allows him to show his joy for life and affection for you without jumping.

Learn other greeting methods to teach your dog at: http://www.holistictouchtherapy.com/articles/why-dogs-jump-to-greet-you.html

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Monday, October 22, 2018

Can dogs predict weather?

Does your dog pace, pant, or get agitated and then, much later a storm arrives? Science supports the fact that dogs can predict changes in the weather. Their keen senses of hearing, smell, and more may allow them to forecast oncoming storms long before we can. They may be more accurate than the weather man.

Learn more at: http://www.holistictouchtherapy.com/articles/can-dogs-predict-weather.html

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Thursday, October 18, 2018

Dogs eat yucky things

Humans have approximately 9,000 taste buds while dogs have about 1,700. Taste buds that sense sour, bitter, sweet, or salty foods are common to dogs and people. The tastes are the same, but the appreciation for each is different in humans and dogs.

The next time you wrinkle your nose in disgust at something your dog puts in his mouth, remember he is not tasting it as you would. He has far fewer taste buds. His sense of taste simply is not as discriminating as yours.

Learn more about how dogs taste at http://www.holistictouchtherapy.com/nuvet-blog-articles/doggie-taste-buds.html

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Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Does your horse sleep in the bathtub?

Another whacky law still on the books: In Budd Creek, Maryland it is against the law to let your horse sleep in the bathtub unless accompanied by his rider. I can't begin to imagine what prompted this law!

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Tuesday, October 16, 2018

92% of dogs & cats will have an emergency situation in their lifetime

Be ready ahead of time! Take Dr. Sue's HTT Pet First Aid and CPR Class

You will learn:
  • First aid for fractured limbs, bleeding, hyper and hypothermia, choking, seizure and more
  • Rescue breathing & CPR

When: November 10, 2018 from 9:00am to 4:30pm

Where: Crossroads Veterinary Clinic - Victoria, Texas

Tuition: $139.00, Includes a complementary lunch

Register: Call Dr. Sue at (618) 339-0425, or

visit her website for more information and to sign up!

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Monday, October 15, 2018

Upcoming Canine First Aid & CPR Class

HTT Pet First Aid and CPR Class
C. Sue Furman, Ph.D.

You will learn:
  • First aid for fractured limbs, bleeding, hyper and hypothermia, choking, seizure and more
  • Rescue breathing & CPR

When: November 10, 2018 from 9:00am-4:30pm

Where: Crossroads Veterinary Clinic - Victoria, Texas

Click here to visit Dr. Sue's website for more information and to sign up!

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Friday, October 12, 2018

Whacky animal laws

It's time to take a look at another whacky animal law that is still on the books. They always make me grin and lighten my day. Hope you find them amusing too.

I find it especially difficult to imagine what situation caused the city council of Riverton, Wyoming to come up with the following law. How many women there do you suppose really rode horses in bathing suits? It can get very cold in Wyoming. Well, here is the law.

In Riverton, Wyoming, a woman cannot ride a horse in a bathing suit unless she carries a club, is accompanied by two officers or weighs less than 90 pounds or more than 200 pounds.

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Thursday, October 11, 2018

October HTT Canine Massage Workshop Update

Dr. Sue, student Christine, Little Bit, and Flash at the October HTT Canine Massage Workshop.

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Wednesday, October 10, 2018

October 10 is National Pet Obesity Awareness Day

According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention in 2017, 56% of dogs and 60% of cats were obese. That means an estimated 50.2 million dogs and 56.5 million cats are above a healthy weight. Carrying excess weight reduces the quality of life of a pet and reduces his lifespan by 2 or more years.

Loving pet owners need to seriously consider their pet's diet and the frequency and type of exercise. It is important to check with your veterinarian to determine the appropriate weight of your pet and to receive a recommended diet and exercise program.

Read Overweight, obese pets can lead to health problems at

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Tuesday, October 9, 2018

HTT massage class for arthritis

In the US 1 in 5 dogs has arthritis. Massage can increase the comfort level of these dogs. Flash relaxes as Christine practices massage moves she learned in class.

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Monday, October 8, 2018

Service Dogs Lend Helping Paws

Living with a dog brings unconditional love, snuggles, and joy into one's life. Service dogs give that and so much more. Their training and responsibility qualifies them to enter grocery stores, shops, restaurants, planes, basically any establishment visited by their partner. Dogs can be taught to provide many types of service.

Dogs are incredibly intelligent. Service dogs enhance the quality of life and independence of their loving partners who needs their assistance.

Read more about service dogs at:

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Friday, October 5, 2018

Is there a Tiger in Your Tabby?

Recent archaeological evidence suggests the introduction of farming may have nudged humans and cats to form cooperative relationships as much as 9,000 years ago.

Researchers speculate cats congregated near farms to feast on the abundant rodents attracted to stored grain and farmers tolerated the feline exterminators. The human-feline bond was definitely in place 4,000 years ago as evidenced by Egyptian pyramid wall art depicting cats cavorting with humans.

Whether cats began the road to domestication 4,000 years ago or earlier, their genomes have changed little since they split from wild felines. The sound of kibble plunking in a bowl or the aroma of tuna being released by a can opener may quickly get your cat's attention, but like his wild cousins, he can still stalk a mouse or bird to get an unscheduled meal.

Read more about feline ancestry at:

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Thursday, October 4, 2018

Touch your Dog with Love

Run your fingertips over a surface, and your sense of touch tells you if it is smooth, bumpy, velvety, prickly, hot, or cold. Touch can be gentle or painful.

Dogs have a sense of touch very similar to ours, and most love to be cuddled and stroked. When your dog flops next to you and snuggles, it is because he likes touching you and feeling the comfort that you are right there.

Read more about how dogs sense touch at http://www.holistictouchtherapy.com/articles/touch-your-dog-with-love.html

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Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Is your pet right-pawed or left-pawed?

On average, 9 out of 10 people favor their right hand for tasks like writing and throwing. The majority of the rest prefer their left hand.

Animals, including dogs and cats, also favor one paw over the other, but south-paws occur in much higher numbers.

You can test your own pet to determine if he is a righty or a lefty.

To learn more read Is your pet right-pawed or left-pawed? here: http://www.holistictouchtherapy.com/articles/is-your-pet-right-pawed-or-left-pawed.html

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Monday, October 1, 2018

The Kiss

She is pregnant. He had just saved her from a fire in her house, rescuing her by carrying her out of the house into her front yard while he continued to fight the fire. When he finally finished putting out the fire, he sat down to catch his breath and rest.

A photographer from the Charlotte, North Carolina newspaper noticed her in the distance looking at the fireman. He saw her walking toward the fireman and wondered what she was going to do.

As he raised his camera, she came up to the tired man who had saved her life and the lives of her babies. She kissed him just as the photographer snapped his photograph.

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And people say animals are dumb!

Friday, September 28, 2018

Keep pets free of tick-borne illness

It is that time of year when your dog or cat can pick up ticks even on a short walk. That should not be surprising because there are more than 90 species of ticks in the U.S., and a single female tick can lay thousands of eggs.

A tick attaches by inserting its mouth parts into a dog's skin and begins to suck blood. A meal can last several days and cause discomfort to your pet.

Ticks are very efficient carriers of diseases that can lead to more than irritation. Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Lyme disease and ehrlichiosis are commonly transmitted by ticks.

Try to avoid tick-borne illnesses by inspecting your pet daily for ticks. Using of a tick preventive recommended by your veterinarian is also helpful.

Read more about tick-borne illness at http://www.holistictouchtherapy.com/articles/keep-pets-free-of-tick-borne-illness.html

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Thursday, September 27, 2018

Why dogs jump to greet you

Humans greet each other by making eye contact and shaking hands. Dogs have a similar ritual. They make eye contact and greet nose to nose. When a dog greets a human, it is natural for him to jump up in an attempt to see his eyes and touch his nose.

It may seem cute when a fluffy little puppy jumps in greeting. Unfortunately, the cuteness wears thin as the dog grows to adulthood and muddy paws damage good clothing or knock poor granny down.

A dog jumps up to greet you as a friendly gesture. It is up to you to teach him an alternative greeting behavior that allows him to show his joy for life and affection for you. Respond in kind with your love.

Read more about Why Dogs Jump to Greet You, here http://www.holistictouchtherapy.com/articles/why-dogs-jump-to-greet-you.html

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Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Can Your Dog Predict Weather?

On a perfectly sunny day dogs may pant, pace, and become agitated or clingy. Much later a severe storm arrives. For years, many believed dogs could predict oncoming thunderstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes, and even earthquakes and avalanches.

Your dog does not have super powers, but he does have super senses. He may be even more accurate than the TV weatherman when it comes to predicting upcoming storms.

Learn more about how your dog can predict weather:

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Monday, September 24, 2018

Whacky Animal Laws

Illinois has a host of funky laws still on the books. In that state, it is against the law to give whiskey to a dog, to offer a dog a lighted cigar, to keep a smelly dog or to take a French Poodle to the opera.

It is difficult to imagine what caused law makers of the past to come up with such legal restrictions.

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Friday, September 21, 2018

Does your dog wink at you?

Some dogs wink at their owners. Your dog may not wink, but a recent study reported that dogs tend to imitate humans in tasks as complex as learning to open sliding doors.

Dogs can also learn to wink. Experts claim that if you wink at a dog gazing into your eyes, they will mimic your wink. Most dogs apparently learn to wink quite quickly especially if treats are involved.

A person who winks at you sends a flirtatious message that they like you. A winking dog is probably sending a similar memo.

Read more about How Dogs Talk with Their Eyes here: https://www.holistictouchtherapy.com/articles/dogs-talk-with-their-eyes.html

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Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Dog approved people food

We should keep our dogs on appropriate canine kibble or canned food, but sometimes we like to reward them with a little table scrap or a special treat. Here is a list of people foods that should be safe for their tummies:

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Peanut butter - A good source of protein, healthy fats, and vitamins B and E.

Cooked chicken - Slip a little in with your dog's kibble to add extra protein and a yummy treat.

Carrots - These are low in calories and high in fiber.

Salmon - Cooked salmon is a good source of omega 3 fatty acids which will keep your dog's coat healthy and shiny.

Pumpkin - A good source of fiber and beta carotene. Be sure to use pure pumpkin NOT pumpkin pie filling.

Yogurt - High in calcium and protein. Choose yogurt with active bacteria which act as a probiotic. Don't choose yogurts with artificial sweeteners or added sugar.

Cheese - Low or reduced fat are best. Cottage cheese is a great choice that dogs seem to love.

Eggs - A scrambled egg is a healthy snack that adds protein, riboflavin and selenium.

Green beans - These are a low calorie, filling treat.

Apple slices - These a good source of fiber and vitamins A and C. They also freshen the breath and clean residue off teeth. Be sure to core and remove seeds to avoid a choking hazard.

Oatmeal - A great source of soluble fiber especially good for seniors that may be suffering with bowel irregularities. Cook oatmeal before serving and don't use any sugar or flavor additives.

Watermelon - A health-food powerhouse that is low in calories and packed with vitamins A, B6, and C and potassium. Use seedless melons or remove seeds that can cause intestinal blockage. Don't allow dog to have rinds, which can cause tummy upset.

These are just a few people foods that are fine for dogs. They should be offered in small amounts and should not interfere with your dog's normal diet.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

People food your dog should avoid

You may know some foods like chocolate can be dangerous for dogs. Some fruits and veggies you might think are healthy should also be avoided.

Grapes and raisins – Vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain can occur within a few hours of eating grapes and raisins. As few as four grapes or raisins can cause irreversible kidney damage in a 20 pound pup.

Onions, garlic, and chives – Consuming a teaspoon of powdered, raw, cooked, or other form of these veggies can destroy your dog’s blood cells, causing anemia and irreparable harm to kidneys.

Avocado – The fruit, leaves, seed, and bark of avocado trees contain persin that can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and difficulty breathing in dogs.  Guacamole can be hazardous to your pet.

Rhubarb – Oxalates in rhubarb can cause problems in a dog's kidneys, digestive tract, and nervous system.

Immediately take a dog that gets into any of these foods to your vet or emergency clinic.

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Monday, September 17, 2018

Whacky Animal Laws

Sterling, Colorado requires feral or indoor/outdoor cats to put on a taillight before roaming the neighborhood. Helping a cat don a rear light could be a daunting chore, but finding one might be even more difficult. Cat taillights do not seem to be carried by any of the major pet stores.

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Friday, September 14, 2018

Your Dog Remembers Your Scent

Research by Gregory Bern of Emory University found that the scent of a loved human lingers in a dog's brain much like the scent of a loved one's perfume lingers in the memory of a human.

A whiff of your scent on a piece of clothing or furniture apparently keeps kind thoughts of you in your dog's memory while you are away.

So if you come home to find your dog cuddled next to your old shoe, he is probably using your scent to conjure up fond thoughts of you.

Learn more about a dog's aroma memory bank here: "Your Dog Remembers Your Scent".

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